Please note the perfect purpleness. |
So we swept in along with everyone else (seriously, internet, I was promised low attendance at these things) and grabbed some tasty dogs at Casey's where we sat next to a tiny, super intense, blond Merida and saw an amazing Mary Poppins stalk by. Seriously, we were put to shame.
We zipped over to Tomorrowland - the only zipping we'd be doing that evening - and Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin, where my video-gaming self was thoroughly embarrassed. Tons of fun! There was a line to our right to meet Buzz, and we decided to wait it out, and were SO GLAD we did. First, we met a charming little Hook, who I have a precious picture with, but won't share as he's not my kid, and his sister, who was Tink, so their mom took one of the four of us, and they felt like rock stars that these moron adults wanted pictures with them. There was a nice family in front of us, too, and then we met Aaron, the wrangler CM. Guys - he was great. Another one from New York, and he was so much. So much fun, so funny - we took pictures with him, too, and I'll put this out there, 'cause he's a grown person, and they're kind of hilarious.
This pretty well encapsulates the interaction. |
Ahead of the nice family in front of us there was a tiny Buzz. I should instead call him a miniature Buzz, because that's what he was. Looked just dead-on. And the real Buzz - well, he was very impressed. And bless him, but the mini one just did not know what to do. He gave Real Buzz a hug and then just couldn't. So Real Buzz decided to have some fun - he started dancing, around and with the little guy, flexing and showing out as much as someone in a plas---a live, full size toy can show out. All of the adults standing in line were highly impressed, and super-duper amused. I think he must have entertained us with that child for a good seven or eight minutes. We were still laughing by the time we got up for our turn - I honestly can't even tell you anything funny about what we did or that he did with us. We were just so tickled by that little boy having The Moment of his young life...Disney magic at work!
Things get a little fuzzy for me in this space - we were trying to meet up with Kate's friend and her family, but our attempts to connect kinda took us all over, and I can't quite keep track of where we went when. I do know that part of this time I spent sitting like an old lady in Liberty Square with my shoes off - poor feet. I had gotten some Ecco flats, which are adorable and absolutely awful, despite the internet's claims to the contrary. You fail me continually, interwebz. (Want some not-awful summer time shoes? These weird looking things from Naturalizer. The only things that saved me that week. Sorry for the commercial, but seriously - lifesavers.)
I knew there was a most excellent, Halloween-only PhotoPass station by The Haunted Mansion, so we headed up that way to get this amazing picture:
![]() |
I love this shot so, so much. I look like a grotesque. In the classical sense, of course. |
And one of my other favorites was this one that I took with Daniela - she was greeting guests at the gates to The Haunted Mansion, and she just looked too amazing to walk past.
And before you ask, no, I in fact did not ask her to stare disturbingly at me. It was what she was feeling... |
We pushed back up toward the new Fantasyland construction area and I tried to take a billion low-light pictures with my little point and shoot (which held up admirably, but I won't bore you with them) and we saw the miles-long line to greet all seven of the Seven Dwarfs (it is taking everything in me not to correct that to Dwarves) - it was pretty neat, and I'm sure it's a big deal for interaction-collectors, but we had park to see! So we rounded the corner and came upon The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh!! Requires double exclamation points!! The CM at the front took our picture by Mr Sanders' mailbox, and we walked on back past the very cool honey boards - I don't know what else to call them, so live in mystery, people who haven't seen them. So we went on the wild ride (ha! Guess who knows her ride history - THIS GIRL) and enjoyed it immensely, and then we went around the corner again and I very nearly collided with Pooh in his Halloween costume! I have to call that my favorite thing about the park - the surprise sightings. Even better than the actual interactions, in my opinion. Seeing them on their way, like we saw Pooh and Piglet and Tigger and Eeyore, had a special, fleeting charm. As did our chance sighting of Peter and Wendy, running and hiding across the courtyard, Peter running ahead and shouting back for her to hurry was just uniquely delightful.
Enough reflection; back to the play-by-play. After watching the population of the 100 Acre Woods flit by, I got to ride the teacups! Which is evidently called Mad Tea Party...I take back my ride-knowledge brag. This was yet another trip-defining, childhood-dream-fulfilling moment - Kate and I rode it once, and then the wonderful CM said I could ride again (YAY!) while Kate opted out - I was too spinny for her, I'm afraid. But she also took this beautifully lit shot with the aforementioned point-and-shoot, so: worth it.
Even got to ride in a green teacup, friends: Disney Magic! |
Pushed on to the border of Tomorrowland, and found the Speedway, which would have been AMAZING when I was eight. Evidently I don't like driving. Self-discovery, brought to you by Disney. But there was an absolutely beautiful view of Space Mountain from the track - I wanted to stop and dig out my camera, but I had a feeling that would be frowned upon...I'll just be ready for it next time!
Not the money shot, but still pretty good, right? Note: I could easily be as obsessed with this as the castle. |
Time for the shows: first up was Celebrate the Magic, aka Look at What They're Doing to the Castle!! Which was immediately followed by Hallowishes, the Halloween-themed fireworks show. Both of them, just amazing. Lit up like daylight out there. We got spots to sit on the bridge to Tomorrowland, near the little nook where they'll take your picture in front of the castle during the day. Great spot for viewing, aside from the people not paying attention and stepping on you. But I think that's true of any spot for any event, so: endorsed seating area. Once that was over, I went down to the foot of the castle to camp out for the Villains' Mix and Mingle - ah, sitting - and Kate went to connect with Lindsay and Co. The Villains' show was so much fun. Short, to the point; I loved it. And the casting was spectacular - the women playing Cruella, The Evil Queen and Maleficent were just perfection. So much glass-cutting-cheekbone on display!
I can't share the reason I was so intent on being in place for the show (nothing creepy, but it's a surprise for someone who had better be reading this), so I'll fast forward to meeting Cap-i-tan Hook (I say it like Rufio every time). He was impressed with my costume - or flattered, let's say, and unfortunately, that distracted him from interacting with Kate as his nemesis. It was a little disappointing, and the CM handling him - bless, but she was apparently having a rough night. She did not take her Disney pill with dinner. (Kate phrase - credit as due.)
<to be sung> I look like I'm picking my noooo-ooooose.... (But seriously, check how close the shade is on those tights!) |
Time for the parade! We were cutting it kind of close, and they wouldn't let us just march up the street toward Frontierland where the friends had staked out a spot. So, we cut to the left to watch the Headless Horseman ride past (filed: Things that are Way Cool) and then looked sufficiently pitiful for a wonderfully sweet CM to let us dash across the street. Thank you, person whose name I didn't catch! I can't even put into words how wonderful I found the parade, so I'm tempted to not even talk about it - but I will say that Lindsay's (absolutely precious) little girl was like catnip to the folks in the parade, so we got to be up close and personal with a lot of them - very fun. Oh, and one other - we saw Peter and company coming down the way, so I elbowed Kate until she stood up, and Peter saw her and yelled, "I love your hat!" as they danced on down the street, which I'm going to go ahead and say made up for the less-than-perfect Capt. Hook moment. She was glowing like I imagine I had been all week. I got not one, but TWO suckers from the people giving them out (thanks, First Visit pin!), so now I have to figure out some way to affix them into the scrapbook...
Goofy's Candy Co. |
We waded through the throng post-parade and fought our way to Sleepy Hollow for Spiced Pumpkin waffles - one area in which the internet did NOT fail me. I'm not a pumpkin person, generally speaking, but sweet Sally, this was GOOD! And I definitely felt like Leslie Knope, spreading the soft-serve over the top of it and eating it with my hands...excellent stuff. I watched the Villains show again, from further back, and then we left with everyone else to go back to the room. Soooo, tired...I'm almost certain that I washed my face before I passed out, but I couldn't swear to it. Apologies to the roomie for my snores of complete and utter exhaustion.
Next up for Day 4: Hollywood Studios, oversoldness, and a day filled with most excellent food!